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Action1 Action2 Dampers
The Process

The total amount of piano action restoration is dependent upon the amount of use or misuse the piano has had. Felts hardened with age and pressure, or worn and moth eaten must be replaced to insure a quiet and smooth playing action. Only the finest quality felts are used.

Action replacement parts by Renner are chosen for their high quality, exactness and longevity. Key and key frame replacement, should that be needed will be from the manufacturer best suited to fit the need.


Key work and leveling is the foundation of a solid and lasting action regulation. The keysticks and frame are thoroughly cleaned and repaired. Felt bushings and frame rail felts are replaced to insure precise and quiet key movement.

Often the key stick needs repair. This involves a re-wooding process that returns widened key spacing to the correct original specifications. Widened key spacing is caused by improper top replacement and wood shrinkage.

Key top replacement choices include fine grade acrylics, legal ivory and bone. Sharps of original solid ebony are reshaped and sealed. Replacements choices are solid ebony, rosewood/ebony and plastic resin.

Piano Restoration Process 5

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Regulation Keys Keys2